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Binland Pty Ltd

WM Solar & Electrical changed all 8 of the existing high bay light fittings to LED high bays which not only reduced electricity usage but also increased lighting output. This made working on overcast days easier on employees as light reaching factory floor was greatly increased.

Binland Pty Ltd

WM Solar & Electrical changed all 8 of the existing high bay light fittings to LED high bays which not only reduced electricity usage but also increased lighting output. This made working on overcast days easier on employees as light reaching factory floor was greatly increased.

Binland Pty Ltd

WM Solar & Electrical changed all 8 of the existing high bay light fittings to LED high bays which not only reduced electricity usage but also increased lighting output. This made working on overcast days easier on employees as light reaching factory floor was greatly increased.

Binland Pty Ltd

WM Solar & Electrical changed all 8 of the existing high bay light fittings to LED high bays which not only reduced electricity usage but also increased lighting output. This made working on overcast days easier on employees as light reaching factory floor was greatly increased.

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